Various jobs in BRLP Bihar Jan-2013
Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project (Jeevika)(BRLP) Vidyut Bhawan, Annexe-II 1st Floor (Southern Wing), Bailey Road Patna – 800021 The Bihar Rural [Complete Details]
Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project (Jeevika)(BRLP) Vidyut Bhawan, Annexe-II 1st Floor (Southern Wing), Bailey Road Patna – 800021 The Bihar Rural [Complete Details]
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Ashok Raj Path, Patna – 800005, Bihar, India Applications in the prescribed format are invited [Complete Details]
ITI LIMITED (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Mankapur, Gonda, (U.P. ) – 271308 ITI Limited requires engineers on contract basis [Complete Details]
The Bihar State Housing Board (BSHB) 6, Sardar Patel Marg, Patna – 800015 (Bihar) BSHB is looking for filling up [Complete Details]
Central University of Bihar (CUB) Camp Office: BIT Campus, P.O. B.V. College, Patna, (Bihar) Pin – 800014 Applications are invited [Complete Details]