14181 Sikshya Sahayak Vacancies In OPEPA 2013
Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) has issued notification for the recruitment of the 14181 Sikshya Sahayak vacancies. Eligible candidates [Complete Details]
Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) has issued notification for the recruitment of the 14181 Sikshya Sahayak vacancies. Eligible candidates [Complete Details]
Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher has delivered notification for the recruitment of 20000 Vacancies. Interested Candidates Apply through online before last [Complete Details]
Kerala Government has issued notification for Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test (KTET) for hiring Teachers at various levels. Eligible candidates can [Complete Details]
Department of Education, Kabirdham (Chhattisgarh) has issued notification for the recruitment of Part Time Faculty Posts. Name of the Post: [Complete Details]
Central University of Bihar invites applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of Faculty Positions. Eligible candidates can send [Complete Details]
Metal and Steel Factory, Ishapore invites applications for filling up of Primary Teacher Vacancies. Eligible candidates may attend the interview [Complete Details]
Collectorate, Nabarangpur (ST & SC Development Section) invites applications for the recruitment of Teaching & Non Teaching Posts. Eligible candidates [Complete Details]
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Secondary Teachers Training Institute (STTI) & Gujarat Knowledge Society (GKS) has issued notification for the [Complete Details]