Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
Applications are invited for Stipendiary Trainees (Category II) for training in Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore :
- Stipendiary Trainees Category -II : 16 posts (Electronics/ Instrumentation -5, Fitter-8, Electrical-3), Age : 18-22 years, Stipend : Rs.6200/- per month for 1st year Rs.7200-/ per month for 2nd year, will be posted as Technician/C OR Technician/B in pay scale of Rs.5200- 20200 with grade pay Rs.2400/- and Rs.2000/-
How to Apply : The application in the prescribed format (OR you can apply Online at RRCAT website and take a printout and send it) in an envelope superscribed as “Application for the Post No.___ of Category I/ Category II against Advertisement No. RRCAT-3/2013” with copy of certificates and testimonials should be send to Administrative Officer-III, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Department of Atomic Energy, PO: CAT, Indore- 452013 so as to reach him on or before 15/04/2013.
Please visit for details and application format offline and online
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