Police Records Bhavan, Araksha Bhavan, Block -DJ , Sector -II , Salt Lake, Kolkata -700091
Recruitment to the posts of Sub-Inspector / Lady Sub-Inspector (Unarmed) in West Bengal Police 2013.
Applications are invited for the following posts in West Bengal Police :
- Sub-Inspector of Police (Un-armed) : 282 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 7100-37600/- Grade Pay Rs. 3900/-
- Lady Sub-Inspector (Un-armed) : 118 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 7100-37600/- Grade Pay Rs. 3900/-
Age : 20-27 years as on 01/01/2013.
Application Fee : Fee of Rs. 150/- in the form of A/C payee Demand Draft payable at Kolkata from any Nationalized Bank or IPO payable at GPO Kolkata in favour of ‘West Bengal Police Recruitment Board’ (WBPRB). Candidates belonging to SC/ST category of West Bengal only are not required to pay any fee.
Application Form : The prescribed application form with detailed Information Brochure will be available from the office of the Superintendent of Police of all districts and the office of the Commissioner of Police of all Police Commissionerates (except Kolkata) up to 16/04/2013. Application Form will be issued to the candidates on production of Bank Draft / Postal Order of Rs. 150/- or Caste Certificate (for the candidates from SC/ ST of West Bengal only).
How to Apply : Duly filled up Application Form along with two photographs and copies of all certificates are to be placed in an envelope of size 34 cm X 26 cm. On the top of this envelope please write “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SUB-INSPE CTOR (UN-ARMED) / LADY SUB – INSPECTOR (UN-ARMED) OF POLICE IN WEST BENGAL POLICE – 2013” On the right side of the envelope please write “To The Chairman, West Bengal Police Recruitment Board, Police Records Bhavan, Araksha Bhavan, Block -DJ , Sector -II , Salt Lake, Kolkata -700091 ”. Application form may be deposited at the same place from where it was issued or can be sent directly to the Chairman, West Bengal Police Recruitment Board by post. On the left side of the envelope please write “From” followed by your name and full address. The last date of receipt of application is 17/04/2013.
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