SC Centre and College, Central Government Department under Ministry of Defence has issued notification for the recruitment of the Group ‘C’ posts like Messenger (Peon), Electrician and Chowkidar vacancies.
Names of the Posts:
1. Messenger (Peon): 01 Post
2. Electrician: 01 post
3. Chowkidar: 02 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be between 18-25 years. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Matriculation or equivalent from recognized board for Post No.1 &3 and Intermediate (10+2) educational system or its equivalent with a certificate from a recognized Industrial Training Institute or equivalent in the appropriate field or grade.
Selection Process: Candidate will be selected based on test/ interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can send their applications in the prescribed format as per the given format by affixing the two pass port size photographs duly attested by a gazetted officer along with attested copies of educational qualification certificate, birth certificates, caste certificate and on self addressed envelope affixing the postal stamp of Rs.22/- and by super scribing the top of the envelope with the “Application for the Post of ___” to The Commandant, ASC Central and College, (Kakul Block) Agram PO, Bangalore-560007 by 16:00 hrs with in 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
Important Dates:
Date of Advertisement:15-06-2013 to 21-06-2013
Last Date for Receipt of Applications is with in 21 days from the date of publication of advertisement.
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