University of Calcutta conducts walk in interview for the recruitment of Junior Research Fellow to work for the Various Departmental Projects. Eligible candidates can attend for walk.
Vacancy Details:
- Junior Research Fellow
1. Department of Physiology: 01 post
2. Department of Geology: 01 post
3. Department of Physiology (Toxicological Assessment): 01 post
4. Department of Zoology: 01 post
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Graduate degree in any branch of Life Sciences with NET qualification for Dept of Zoology posts, M.Sc. in any branch of Life Sciences with NET JRF / (Lectureship) / Valid GATE score or M.Tech (Biotechnology) for Department of Physiology (Toxicological assessment) post, M.Sc. Geology/ M.Sc. Applied Geology for Department of Geology post & in any branch of Life Sciences with valid NET/GATE/ M.Tech (Biotechnology), M.Pharm for Department of Physiology post.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in the interview.
Venue: At Office of the Development and Planning Officer, 2nd Floor of Dwarbangha Building, (College Street Campus), University of Calcutta, 87/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073 for Sr. No. 1 & 3 posts, Dept. Of Geology, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata- 700019 for Sr. No. 2 post & Room of Head, Department of Zoology, CU, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata – 700019 for Sr. No. 4 post.
Walk in Dates:
For Dept of Physiology: 29-04-2013 at 1.00pm to 2.00pm
For Dept of Physiology (Toxicological assessment): 29-04-2013 at 12.00Noon to 01.00PM
For Dept of Geology: 06-05-2013 at 4.30pm
For Dept of Zoology: 03-05-2013 at 12.00 Noon
For more details click on below links:
Notification Under Geology Department
Notification Under Physiology (Toxicological Assessment )Department
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