National Institute of Hydrology (NIH)
(A Govt. of Indi Society under Ministry of Water Resources)
Jalvigan Bhawan, Roorkee – 247667 (Uttarakhand), India
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on direct recruitment/ absorption/ deputation (including short term contract) basis in National Institute of Hydrology, at its Headquarters and Regional Centre at Guwahati, Belgaum, Patna, Kakinada, Jammu and Bhopal, or any part of the country where the Institute may set up offices/ regional centres:
- Scientist D : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.7600/-
- Scientist C : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.6600/-
- Scientist B : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/-
Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the shape of Bank Draft drawn in favor of “National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee” payable at SBI Branch of IIT, Roorkee with the name of the Candidate, post name written on its backside. Candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ PH
are not required to pay any fee.
How to Apply : How to Apply: The Application strictly type-written in the prescribed format should be submitted in an envelope super-scribed in bold letter as “Application for Post of Scientist D/ Scientist C/ Scientist B-NIH, Roorkee” to the Senior Administrative Officer, National Institute of Hydrology, Jal Vigyan Bhawan, Roorkee-247667, (Uttrakhand) within 60 days from the date of appearance of Advt. in the Employment News (published on 23/03/2013) i.e. 22/05/2013.
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