Jharkhand Labour Department Various Vacancies 2013
Jharkhand Labour Department, Koderma District has delivered notification for the recruitment of various vacancies for various companies. Eligible candidates can [Complete Details]
Jharkhand Labour Department, Koderma District has delivered notification for the recruitment of various vacancies for various companies. Eligible candidates can [Complete Details]
Baba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has given recruitment notification for the posts Plant Operator, Laboratory, Electrical and Others. Eligible Candidates [Complete Details]
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (GKCIET), Malda has issued notification for recruitment of the professor,engineer Posts. Eligible [Complete Details]
Bihar State Housing Board (BSHB) invites applications for the recruitment of Various Vacancies on Contract basis. Eligible candidates can send [Complete Details]
National Culture Fund, Ministry of Culture has given recruitment notification for the posts of Sr Manager, Project Coordinator, and Assts [Complete Details]
Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) has published notification for the recruitment of Consultant Posts on purely contract basis. Eligible candidates [Complete Details]
Bank of India, Mumbai South Zone invites applications for the post of Sepoy vacancies in Bank of India, Mumbai South [Complete Details]
Rajasthan Public Health Engineering Department, Jaipur invites applications for the post of Pump Chalak, Fitter, Electrician, Meter Reader, Line Man & [Complete Details]